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DS4608-SR BLACK USB KIT, CABLE, STAND Zebra DS4608-SR, Lettore di codici a barre portatile, 1D/2D, LED, Codabar,Code 11,Code 128,Code 39,Code 93,GS1 DataBar,MSI,PDF417,UPC-E, Aztec Code, Codici a barre composito, Data Matrix, Dot Code A, Han Xin, MaxiCode, Micro QR Code,..., -60 - 60°
KIT.TTR110MMX74MT+ETICHETTE102X102M - ZIPSHIPKIT2 Zebra Bianco, Etichetta per stampante autoadesiva, Carta, Trasferimento termico, 102 X 102 x 0.149mm
MT2070 BT/BATCH MR LASER - 01941-210Z Zebra Z-Select 2000D 80 Receipt, Carta, Termica diretta, 2 fogli, 210mm x 160m
DS8108-HC USB KIT Zebra
314,32 €
DS8108-HC USB KIT Zebra DS8108-HC, Lettore di codici a barre portatile, 1D/2D, LED, Codabar,Code 11,Code 128,Code 39,Code 93,GS1 DataBar Expanded,Interleaved 2 of 5,MSI,Plessey,U.P.C., Aztec Code, Codici a barre composito, Data Matrix, Han Xin, MaxiCode, Micro QR Code, MicroPDF417,..., 528 nm
Zebra 2056E Stampante ad Aghi 24 AGHI - PRT2056EN Zebra
Zebra IM C300F Multifunzione - RHIMC300F Zebra
ZeZebra CS6080, Scanner Portatile, BlueTooth, 1D e 2D, Interfaccia USB Zebra CS60, Lettore di codici a barre portatile, 1D/2D, LED, Codabar,Code 11,Code 128,Code 39,Code 93,GS1 DataBar,MSI,Plessey,U.P.C., Aztec Code, Codici a barre composito, Data Matrix, Han Xin, MaxiCode, Micro QR Code, MicroPDF417,..., 1280 x 960 Pixel
CS6080-SR,BLACK,CORDLESS 2D,KIT:SCANNER,CRADLE,USB Zebra CS60, Lettore di codici a barre portatile, 1D/2D, LED, Codabar,Code 11,Code 128,Code 39,Code 93,GS1 DataBar,MSI,Plessey,U.P.C., Aztec Code, Codici a barre composito, Data Matrix, Han Xin, MaxiCode, Micro QR Code, MicroPDF417,..., 1280 x 960 Pixel
DS2208: AREA IMAGER,STANDARD RANGE CORDED BLACK Zebra DS2208, Lettore di codici a barre portatile, 1D/2D, LED, Codabar,Code 11,Code 128,Code 39,Code 93,EAN-13,Interleaved 2 of 5,Plessey,U.P.C., Aztec Code, Codici a barre composito, Data Matrix, Han Xin, MaxiCode, Micro QR Code, PDF417, QR..., 640 x 480 Pixel
WALL MOUNT HOLDER - 11-66553-06R Zebra Wall Mount Holder, 48 g
RS5100 SINGLE FINGER BT RING SE4770 NO USB Zebra RS5100, Lettore di codici a barre portatile, 1D/2D, LED, Code 11,Code 128,Code 39,Code 93, Aztec Code, Codici a barre composito, Data Matrix, Micro QR Code, MicroPDF417, PDF417, QR Code, 1280 x 960 Pixel
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